Checklist Form

1 I am on a first name basis with most of my immediate neighbours.
2 I have shared a meal with several of my immediate neighbours.
3 I’m comfortable borrowing and lending practical items with my neighbours.
4 I know 3 people in my community who accept the need to strengthen resilience.
5 Most of my friends and family are supportive of my efforts towards resilience.
6 I am actively working towards boosting the resilience of my local community.
7 I have spoken with one of my local political representatives about resilience.
8 My local political representative is willing to support my resilience efforts.
9 The local media take the subject of resilience seriously.
10 My community will fare well during times of climate, financial or social disruption.
11 I feel emotionally prepared for disruptions to my way of life.
12 I have at least 3 people I could count on in a time of need.
13 I am psychologically prepared for a significantly changed future.
14 My religious/ spiritual/philosophical beliefs offer me support.
15 I have healthy family relationships I can rely on.
16 I have a stress management program that I use regularly.
17 I regularly spend some of my spare time in nature.
18 I keep a personal diary to help me make sense of my life.
19 Making music / poetry / art etc constitutes an important part of my leisure time.
20 I have 3 practical skills that I practice and could teach.
21 I know how all the systems in my home operate and could ‘trouble shoot’ them.
22 I know how to make or barter for essential items without money being involved.
23 I can easily access important practical skills that I don’t have.
24 I have a basic First Aid kit at home.
25 I have a useful set of tools at home and know how to use them.
26 I know how to make simple repairs to my clothing and footware.
27 I can follow basic recipes and prepare healthy home cooked meals.
28 There is a tool library / men's shed nearby that I can join.
29 I have some ‘food independence’ from the major food stores.
30 I obtain a significant portion of my food from local sources.
31 I can grow and/ hunt / fish for some of my food and am interested in doing more.
32 I preserve a significant portion of seasonal local food.
33 I eat as little processed food as possible.
34 I have 3 months food per person in storage at home.
35 I am an active member of a local community garden or city farm
36 I practice seed saving.
37 I have 3 months of pet food in rotation. ( no pets scores a Yes.)
38 I know where my drinking water comes from.
39 I have a back up supply if my primary water source becomes unavailable.
40 I have tested and used that back up water supply.
41 I know how to chemically treat water to make it safe.
42 I have a back up supply of my water filters.
43 I know what my daily water usage is and am willing to reduce it when necessary.
44 I have read up on “grey water” and am willing to explore it for my household.
45 I have filters on all my taps to reduce the water flow.
46 My home is located in a community that is well aware of the need to live sustainably.
47 My rent/ mortgage stress is manageable OR non existent.
48 I have insulation in most walls and ceilings of my home.
49 The maintenance on my home is easy for me to manage.
50 I’ve calculated my household energy footprint and am taking steps to reduce it.
51 I know how much energy my home consumes daily / weekly/ annually.
52 I am exploring ways to reduce my energy usage.
53 I currently use some renewable energy to run my household.
54 I have some practical experience in living without electricity.
55 I can heat / cool my home even if the electricity is offline.
56 I can cook meals even if the electricity is offline.
57 I have a back up energy source for my appliances if the electricity is offline.
58 I could adjust well to living without electricity for several days.
59 The vehicle I own is “fuel efficient". ( No vehicle = Yes)
60 If I had to do without a vehicle I could still get to most of the places I need
61 I live in a community well served with public transport.
62 I ensure my vehicle is regularly serviced & running efficiently. ( No vehicle =Yes)
63 I could do most of the servicing of a vehicle my self.
64 I have reliable and up to date paper maps in case of GPS failure.
65 I have a bicycle which I can use for local transportation.
66 I know how much I spend monthly and annually.
67 I have a realistic plan to reduce my spending by 50% if required.
68 I could live on my savings for 6 months, if necessary.
69 I pay out my credit card in full each month. ( No credit card = Yes)
70 I could pay out my car loan this year. ( No car loan = Yes)
71 I have 3-6 months savings outside of the banking system.
72 I consider my current income source to be safe and secure.
73 I have at least 10% of my net worth in items other than currency.
74 I currently own non monetary assets such as property, land, inventory.
75 I feel confident about how my wealth would perform during a ‘financial correction".
76 I am proficient in a form of martial arts and could defend myself if necessary.
77 My home is well supplied with smoke detectors.
78 I have a fire extinguisher in my home.
79 My home is well protected with door locks, alarms and/ other security features.
80 I have photocopies of important papers ( e.g. passport, birth certificate) off site.
81 My will is up to date and stored off site.
82 I eat a healthy diet.
83 have a 3 month store of the supplements /medication I need for my health. ( No need for such items = Yes)
84 I drink plenty of fresh water daily i.e. more than 1 litre.
85 I exercise regularly e.g. at least 20 minutes, four times a week.
86 I have a healthy alcohol intake in line with Government Health Recommendations ( Dont drink alcohol = Yes)
87 I have a healthy and sustainable work-life balance.
88 I can afford, and have, regular medical and / wellness check ups.
89 I can afford, and have, regular dental check ups and repair work.
90 I practice gratitude regularly for the quality of my life.
91 I know how to use social media to communicate & organise in times of need.
92 I have the Red Cross app on my phone and can use it for help in emergencies.
93 All of my digital devices are protected with secure passwords &/ encryption.
94 If the mobile phone network is down, I know what to do next in order to seek help.
95 I have a battery powered radio at home in good working condition.
96 I have spare parts and/ batteries for all my essential technology.
97 My household has a current set of “disaster plans”?
98 I have a “safe place" to escape to in case of severe disruption.
99 I have a 72 hour ‘Go Kit’ packed and ready to go.
100 I know how to protect all of my digital data.
Your score is available after completing all questions


0-25%: It’s time to start taking your situation more seriously and start building more resilience into your life.
26-50%: You have some significant resilience structures in place, but the more you work with The Resilience Checklist, the less anxiety you will feel about your future.
51-75%: You’ve done a solid job building resilience into your life. Continue to develop, especially in the areas where you scored least.
76-100%: Congratulations on your efforts so far. Continue to fine tune your efforts and as you develop your resources, share them with your community.